Midas Marketing

5 Awesome Print Marketing Ideas

print marketing ideas

Although digital marketing is important, print marketing certainly isn’t dead.

A whopping 42% of recipients read the marketing literature sent to them.

Luckily, printing is more affordable than ever.

In light of this, we’ve listed five print marketing ideas all businesses should consider.

Let’s dive in!

1. Business Cards

Always make these cards suitable to fit the cardholders of a wallet.

That way your potential customers can carry a slice of your business wherever they go!

Top Tip: For a more professional look, opt for glossy stock paper.

2. Loyalty Cards

Everyone loves a loyalty card; people enjoy feeling as though they’re getting a bargain.

For a loyalty card to be effective, you have to make the prize both attainable and worth getting.

Coffee shops across the nation have nailed this! They’re always giving away free beverages once the customers purchased the amount indicated on their loyalty card.

Consider giving away a promotional item or a discount of some sort.

3. Posters

Use large images to grab the attention of potential customers.

This is both a cheap and effective way to promote your business, especially if you run a traditional brick and motor store.

Think about how you can use posters to show off particular products or advertise an upcoming promotion.

4. Flyers

Flyers are ideal for communicating essential information to potential customers.

They quickly remind clients of your brand as well as the top quality products/services available to them.

You should consider using flyers as part of your direct mail campaigns.

These are ideal for reaching out to both warm and cold markets.

Top Tip: When designing your flyers always include the following:

5. Direct Mail

Many find direct mail easier to read and to comprehend in comparison to information online.

If this is a route you’re considering, stand out from the crowd. Consider these options:


Insert your company’s logo onto a postcard.

Postcards are fabulous for advertising your upcoming promotions.

Alternatively, use them to say thank you to your loyal customers.

Or, if you have time, create beautiful graphics or take stunning photos. Consider using these to create postcards for your customers to send out to friends and family.

This works particularly well around Christmas. Do you have a historic storefront or a unique product? Think about how you could create something unique.

Branded Envelopes

If you want to appear professional, it’s wise to invest in good quality envelopes and get your logo printed on them.

These are perfect for creating an excellent first impression via your direct mail campaigns. They also come in handy for posting invoices.

Do You Like the Sound of These Print Marketing Ideas?

If so, feel free to contact us, and we’ll help you to get the ball rolling!

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