Midas Marketing

5 Awesome Digital Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business Online

digital marketing ideas

The new year brings in a new wave of digital marketing ideas.

We’re talking about global marketing, mobile and voice-friendly search engine optimization (SEO), and behavior-based content marketing. Plus, much more.

We’ll talk about these and then some, including why 41% of adults and 55% of teens are using voice search even though it was created in 2002.

Read to find out!

1. Content marketing comes with a twist

Yes, it’s safe to say content marketing is still at the top of digital marketing trends. 2017 is no different in that regard.

However, there is a twist…

Level of personability

With so much content on the Internet, businesses are looking to stand out.



Narrow in on the target audience. This means instead of targeting the general user. Content will be based on users who read specific blog posts.

Or, if it’s an e-commerce site, users who view certain products.

The overall goal is to create content that increases personability between the user and business.

Distribution is key

How the content is distributed is becoming more and more impactful.

It doesn’t matter if you have the highest quality of content. If not many see it, it’s close to non-existent.

Which is why getting the word out via social media becomes an even bigger deal.

Leveraging influencer status

Influencers will post on social media about their content. And, boom!, traffic to their sites.

How is this possible?

They’ve built credibility with their audience.

So much so, that businesses are using their influencer status to promote their own products.

2. Marketing’s gone global

Thanks to social media and the interconnectedness of technology, the world is a smaller place.

This means businesses’ marketing efforts will be more effective if they go global. This makes sense since most computer and cellphone users have 24-hour access to information online.

Whether you’re in Quebec, Canada. Or Seol, South Korea.

3. Technology is wearable

With the invention of fitness-based watches and the Apple watch, we’re now seeing more and more people wearing their technology.

We can only expect this trend to continue.

Who knows?

We may soon need wearable SEO.

4. Voice search SEO

As we mentioned earlier, more teens and adults are turning to voice search.

And it makes sense.

When you’re running errands or multitasking, it’s easier to just talk into your phone. Typing in your search takes too much time.

Which is why voice-friendly SEO is becoming more popular. We’re talking about long-tail keywords taking priority. That, and common sayings.

5. Mobile marketing

Google research shows that out of smartphone users who conducted a mobile search, over three-quarters visited that store within 24 hours.

And 28% of those purchased a product or service.

So, mobile marketing is here to stay. And it’s only increasing.

And, with that, mobile SEO.

Yes, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites when it comes to mobile searches.

Want more digital marketing ideas?

Want to know how to jumpstart your digital marketing or revise it for 2017? Contact us!

And don’t forget to check out our blog to get up-to-date information about WordPress development, web design, SEO, and more digital marketing ideas.

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